Who I am

Recently I have come in contact with someone who has expressed to me that they do not understand the way I act/ speak/ behave. I think in the last 2 weeks there has been at least 3 conversations about how I am a mean/ rude person and I hurt people’s feelings. In 25 years of life I have never been told that! I told the person that I appreciated them coming to me as opposed to running behind my back saying nasty things but I tried to explain how i am and that I never mean to say anything offense to anyone that I have day-to-day conversations with. because frankly if i don’t like you I will just simply not communicate with you in any shape or form.  Am i verbally abusive? No Am i intimating? Goodness no! Do i mess up lives or tell embarrassing secrets ? Nope! I am actually a very loving, caring, and giving indiv and I pride myself on these things because once in my life i did none of these things. So for someone who does not know who I am nor been around me long enough to make that judgement I am a little annoyed that this conversation is continuing to be brought up.

I had to think about it on the way home from workout today that I am happy with the person I am today of course there are things that I would like to improve BUT I am the chooser of those things. No one else will darken my cloud over me nor influence me to change for the benefit of themselves.

There are friends associates and family for a reason. And at this moment of life I feel like I am content with the relationships that I have and the people in my life. SOOOO WORLD I will not be changing!  I will continue with the journey that i am presently on  🙂


One of the Blogs i like to follow (http://fattytohottie-amber.blogspot.com/) posted this questionaire/ sruvey a while back and I said I wanted to do it as well SOOOOOO HERE WE GO!
1. Do you like Blue Cheese?
Yes! but only on a salad.. you migth ask where else would it be…? McAlisters Deli ( where i use to work and live) use to put it on their spuds! ECK !

2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
Yes definately not a proud moment of mine but in 2007 my BEST boyfriend at the time started smoking and I was so sad when i found out so I had 1 cigarette to see what made him change his mind to smoke. Needless to say I never tried it again.

3. Do you own a gun?
Nope BUT Fatty owns lots of them ! And a couple months ago i learned how to shoot it !!! SO BEWARE!
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at


5. Do you get nervous before doctor

No I just want to know what the scale is going to say :/

Do you like hot dogs?

Favorite iPhone app?


8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?

9. Can you do push-ups?
Ehh kinda sorta

10. What’s your favorite meal?
in the whole wide world? Hamburger Helper Cheeseburger Macaroni!

11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry?
My wedding ring is my prettiest piece of jewelry.

12. Favorite hobby?
Crafting and stalking Celbs
13. Do you work with people who idolize you?
I dont think so

Name a trait that you hate about yourself…

I hate that I have the hardest time talking to people especailly if i think they are important
get so nervous, sweaty.  I’m sure people get embarrassed for me.

Middle name…

Legally? Nelson

Name 3 thoughts at this moment…

im full from that poptart  i should be working and i have so much school work to complete
Name 3 things you bought yesterday…

inhaler breakfast braces

Name 3 drinks you regularly drink…

Water sprite i dont have a third
Current worry?

That i am wayyy behind on life
Current hate right now?

Having to spend so much time on school

Favorite place to be…

The beach./ traving in general

How did you bring in New Year’s?

at home with some friends watching my other half dance drunkenly

Favorite place to go?


What is your most recurring dream?

either im falling like the open credits of Rocky and Bull Winkle or at a bonfire and a little tiki pole is chasing me thes have been happening for YEARS
Introvert or extrovert?

What color shirt are you wearing?

None… 🙂 .. Pervs

Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?

I don’t think I’ve ever slept on satin sheets.
Can you whistle?


Favorite Color…

Musturd yellow/ pink

Would you be a pirate?


What songs do you sing in the shower?

I dont sing in the shower anymore but when i was a kid i use to make up church songs in the tub
Favorite girl’s name…

None of your business .. because ppl steal names!

Favorite boys name…

None of your business .. because ppl steal names!

Who is your loudest friend?

What’s in your pocket right now?

No pockets.

Last thing that made you laugh?

Something someone in my office said
Bed sheets as a child?

either white or floral like

Worst injury you’ve ever had?

broke my hand in my 1st wreck

Do you love where you live?

Love? UHM i like my home but I wish i lived in a different state. But if i had to choose in Monroe I am a happy clam!
How many TV’s are in your house?

4 But the ones in my office and guest bedroom arent even plugged up

What is your worst habit?

Eating crap food
How many dogs do you have?

One Noella Nicol

Does someone have a crush on you?

I dont think so

Do you own slippers?

What is your favorite book?

I dont have one of all time.. BUT I appreciate Candace Bushnell for Sex and the City and the 1st series i remeber reading as a teenager was Gossip Girl then Eric Jerome Dickey and Zane took over my  high school life

What’s your favorite candy?


Favorite sports team?


48. Song you want played at your

None… I want people to be too sad to even listen to music ! I just want to make it to 105 !!!! PLEASE

49. What were you doing at midnight last


50. What was the first thing you thought of
when you woke up this morning?

I get to go to ORTHO TODAY!
Whew, that was a long survey.  Hopefully you
learned a little about me.



So within the last two days I have had my friends tell me about how horrible and lazy their boyfriends/ Husbands are ! All I could do while listening to these stories was to shake my head. Even though I hate my other half 360/365 days of the year there is just some stuff I know he would never allow me to do.

For instance .. paying his bills. I’m sorry I don’t care what your circumstances are there should be no reason that I have to pay your bills. You’re a GUY! Which means A you probably make more money than me. B You can perform better at certain jobs than I can. C. YOURE A FREAKING GUYYYYYYYYYYY USE YOUR DICK FOR MONEY ( okay not if you’re in a committed relationship or married { unless your partner is okay with that} ) I don’t know be a legal slut .. bartender or stripper or some crap!…
There is no reason girls that you need to be paying your mans bills… You love him? He does not have dependable family? He lays the dick down? I’m sorry none of these are an exception. I mean even if he is disabled he is getting some type of check. LOVE does not pay the bills!

On the same note Men who do not make enough money to cover their bills who let their girlfriends or wives get a second job . If you are a guy who fits that sentence. I need you to stand up drop your pants,spread your legs about a hips width apart AND SEARCH FOR YOUR FREAKING BALLS!! I’m pretty certain that you don’t have any! And you need to find them ASAP.
I blame all these circumstances on their mothers. Something about a woman and her son. All that babying screwed up your son and the only woman that is going to deal with it for a lifetime is your crazy behind!!!!

Shout out to my other half who works real hard, pays his bills, and lays it down. YEAH!!!


So I have found this amazing blog/show called The Conversation with Amanda De Cadenet The Conversation . At the end she asks her guests What would you say to your 14 year old self ( add an amazing British accent) It got me to thinking.. What would I say to my 14 year old self.

I’m 25 now and as I look back I realize that I was a very depressed teenager. And majority of the things I was going through was just normal life and I might have been a bit dramatic needing attention. So what would I tell my 14 year old self? … Alisa hang in there , there are far more battles that you will have to face in life that will be more worth your time than what’s going on presently. Learn to love yourself . Try and be accepting of your family because no ones family is perfect and it really is the most important thing in the world. Oh yeah and PUT THAT DAMN CHEESEBURGER DOWN !!! Pasta is so much better 🙂

So I asked some friends to join in and here’s what they had to say.


It gets better and true love does exist. Just be patient.


Don’t do it.”


Stick to school, not friends.”


” Don’t give it up !!”


” It’s not worth it to make other girls feel bad to make yourself feel better. They will never forget, and may never forgive you. Life is so much more than boys and being popular.”


Don’t have sex.”


Something on true love, friends only last so long, what you do now follows you forever , eating disorders are real, be yourself.”


” The world isn’t what it seems to be .. become happy with who you are now. Trust me guy .. you’ll thank me later.”


That I have the best taste in music and don’t ever change to pop current. To not grow up as quickly as you want because in the end you’ll regret the time day dreaming about overly exaggerated futures. That some people you thought wouldn’t understand your preferences later will so be true and don’t try to hide it.” You will gain weight unlike you thought . It’ll be good weight but lay off the Wingstop so much. You’ll grow love handles . To try and find some type of acting class because comedy is my thing.” Travel more and don’t be afraid of extended time away from friends. They’ll always be there.”


“Never let my mom bleach my hair, always know your worth, don’t settle for douches, lip liner will never be cute, the bartender you go to after graduation will be your one day so skip all the bullshit and get her number .”

“Sometimes the things that happen to us aren’t our fault. That the negative events in our lives shape us but don’t define who we are. And that pretty much everyone who teased me or was mean to me for no reason will end up ugly, poorly dressed and/or have a drug problem after we graduate high school while I’ll just get cuter. Better a late bloomer than to burn out too soon.”

“Trust no one and workout everyday. Do not dumb myself down for the sake of others, and to never be ashamed of my heritage “


“Self- don’t be so dramatic & don’t try to always be the best! Do your best & follow your heart! You can’t please everyone! Oh and have fun! Stop trying to grow up so damn fast. When life hits you, you are going to miss these days!”


“There are no flying cars yet. Fingers still crossed, though. But anyways don’t sweat high school. You’ll pass by the grace of God so pay attention. Ignore those people that made fun of you. The majority of them are losers now. And I know you have no clue what you want do with your life. Listen, if you know what I know now at 21, look at maritime school. Other then that. Take chances. Break some bones. Have fun. Don’t let life get you down. You gonna turn out fine. Still a dork. But fine none the less.”

I think that sometimes as adults we don’t reflect enough on the things that has gotten us to where we are today. And its important that we do so we can evolve and change. Sometimes we get some focused on making sure we are current with our peers that we don’t see the importance of individuality or comfort . We drop from highs to lows and we abandon who we aspire to be . And when we abandon our true self that is when the real troubles of life happens.


That gift you got for your wedding ..

Sometimes you forget that you received a vacuum for your wedding . Being that The only carpet we have in our house is in the rooms it gets overlooked .. Don’t judge me!

Sunday while looking for a purse I found our beloved vacuum !
And out of 2 rooms this is what it looked like ..

Yes I am hanging my head in shame .. I’m horrible at cleaning


Couch to 5K

At some point of my life I would love to be a runner. Ive done two 5ks and LOVED IT! I dont know if Id be the person signing up for the marathons but i really would like a 13.1 sticker for my Blazey baby.  SO Saturday was a nice day and out of no where I decided that Mr Fats and I were going to do W1 of Couch to 5K.  Fats and I did pretty dang good if I dont say so myself.  If i could learn how to breathe when running my life would be so much easier. BUT to say I havent tried to run in a month or so I completed it without dying.

Sweaty picture to prove it!1

Sunday we decided to walk and when i say we I mean Mr Fats. he was still hurting but i was very proud of his willingness to go with me. Ohhh that boy when he surprizes me …… (SMILE)


Adventures In Picture Taking


My baby boy is turning a year old on the 13th.  So with the help of Alisa we took some pictures.

For not being professionals I think we did pretty good.

For those Mom’s like me who don’t want to spend outrageous amounts of money paying photographers to take pictures of their children I URGE you to do it yourself.

It’s LOADS cheaper and you don’t have to worry about being under time restraints.  I mean when you have a baby you can’t always guarantee that they are not going to be fussy while pictures are getting taken.  And you might only have an hour of time blocked off.

Buy a camera.  I doesn’t have to be a Canon Rebel or some super expensive professional camera.  Spend $70 on Photoshop Elements or $100 on Photoshop Lightroom.  (These are optional of course.)  BUT if you want to edit your photos and make them look professional then it’s the way to go.

Consult Pinterest!  Pinterest will tell you how to do everything.

Don’t be afraid to get dirty and have fun!


Continue reading

Insanity .. I’m still insane


116So just like I thought school has taken over my evenings.. go figure. And last weeks goals were NOT accomplished. WHY?? Does it matter? Do you really want to hear my excuses? Yeah that’s what I thought.

Monday & Friday were the only days I worked out . AND I only did Abs. uh I’m pathetic I know. last week was week 4 and I was posed to come here and brag about how good I did . I feel bad enough so no guilt trips from anyone okay? okay..
So do I count this as week 5 still? I think I am
I still measured myself on Monday and there was actually progress so SUCK IT!
Monday I did 2 workouts. Plyometrics with Emily which you know I HATE( Plyo not Emily for all you word twisters and Core and Balance with Fatty. Tuesday we did Cardio Recovery because my body was screaming! Today we didn’t work out because Emily and I both had stuff to do. So hopefully in the next eh 30 minutes Mr. Fats and I will get in there and work it out .

Here’s some sweaty pictures to prove my testaments.

Melanie Fiona

“Wrong Side Of A Love Song”

Where were you when I needed a friend?
Thought I could be strong
Never knew I’d be so wrong
A heart-breaker most of my life
Suddenly all changed
The moment you left me
And walked out my life

I tried to play cool
But instead I was playing myself
What you gotta know about me
Is that I’m dying in this lonely hell

And I don’t wanna be without you
Cause I can hardly breathe without you
This is what it feels to be the one
Who’s standin’ left behind
How did I become the wrong side of the love song?

Baby, I’m a mess
Out of every piece and part of me
You were always the best
But instead I was leaving you here alone
But I didn’t mean it,
No, I didn’t mean it
Now I’m begging, baby, come home

And you got me singing why,
Why you wanna make me cry?
I’ll be thinking ’bout you
Got me dreaming ’bout you
Every single day and night

And I don’t wanna be without you
Cause I can hardly breathe without you
This is what it feels to be the one
Who’s standin’ left behind
How did I become the wrong side of the love song?

How, baby?
Wanna know why?
Can you tell me, why?
Said that you’ll be there for me
Said you’ll care for me
So now you’re gonna say goodbye

And I don’t wanna be without you
Cause I can hardly breathe without you
This is what it feels to be the one
Who’s standin’ left behind
How did I become the wrong side of the love song?

Why, why?
Why!? Why?! Why?! Oh oh oh need you oh
I really, really need you now, I really really need you now
I really, really need you now, I really really need you now, boy
Oh, baby, oh, baby, please